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Extracting frames from movies in Igor From igor-list at Thu Dec 5 14:41:10 2019
From: igor-list at (Johannes Steinmann)
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 16:41:10 -0600

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Extracting frames from movies in Igor
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I am successfully using the static builds from <>
You can also install ffmpeg via brew if you like.

> On Dec 5, 2019, at 15:27, Jeffrey Weimer (UAH) <weimerj at> wrote:
> I am reviewing the option to install FFmpeg on macOS X. This should provide command line conversions and open the door to Igor Pro ExecuteScript options.
> I?d welcome tips and tricks from anyone who has gone down this path.
> --
> Jeffrey J Weimer, Associate Professor
> Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
> Huntsville, AL 35899 phone: 256-824-6954
>> On Dec 5, 2019, at 12:58 PM, Dietrich, Daniel L. (GRC-LTX0) via Info-igor <info-igor at> wrote:
>> Thanks, the ImageTools packages doesn't completely solve the problem, but it does help. After some searching I found that Image J has the option to open an .avi file into a virtual stack. You can then save the stack as a directory of .tiff images. This directory can then be easily imported and manipulated with ImageTools. I don't know what's involved in getting this programmed into Igor directly, so I might do some digging, but for now I have a workaround that?s not too inconvenient.
>> Thanks again,
>> Dan
>> ?On 12/5/19, 12:57 PM, "Info-igor on behalf of Jeffrey Weimer" <info-igor-bounces at on behalf of weimerj at> wrote:
>> The ImageTools package includes options to extract frames from tif stacks.
>> < >
>> I am working on an update as we speak. I don?t know exactly what might be involved to modify the load portion of the code to be able to slice out frames from movie files. I know that our group will likely need to have this ability too, and likely sooner rather than later.
>> Contact me off-line for further discussion as desired.
>> --
>> Jeffrey J Weimer, Associate Professor
>> Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
>> Huntsville, AL 35899 phone: 256-824-6954
>>> On Dec 4, 2019, at 10:59 AM, Dietrich, Daniel L. (GRC-LTX0) via Info-igor <info-igor at <mailto:info-igor at>> wrote:
>>> Hello Everyone,
>>> I knew this day was coming, but was hoping there would be a solution before it happened. I have for a long time used Igor?s PlayMovie and PlayMovieAction commands to load, play and extract frames from QuickTime movies in .mov or .mp4 formats. I haven?t used it for a little bit, but now when I try, I get an error message saying this feature is no longer supported by my OS.
>>> The question is, is there currently any way to open, play and extract frames from .mp4, .mov or .avi movie files in Igor ??? Some simple searches haven?t yielded anything.
>>> Igor Pro 8.04
>>> Mac OS X 10.14.6
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Dan
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