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Subject: Dual x-axis ???
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Hi Johannes,
Thanks, that looks like exactly what I need. Much appreciated.
?On 4/29/19, 11:48 AM, "Info-igor on behalf of Johannes Steinmann" <info-igor-bounces at on behalf of igor-list at> wrote:
Hi Dan,
this sounds like you want to use a free axis:
DisplayHelpTopic ?Newfreeaxis"
It?s an additional axis, which you can ?hook? to another axis with some math.
Copy this function to your Procedure window and compile before executing the code below:
Function axhook(s)
STRUCT WMAxisHookStruct &s
s.max= s.max - s.min //sets maximum of the axis to max-min of parent axis
s.min= s.min - s.min //sets minimum of the axis to zero
return 0
NewFreeAxis/T top_shifted // creates a new axis at the top
ModifyFreeAxis top_shifted, master=bottom, hook=axhook // connects the new axis with the bottom axis and applies hook function
This leads to an axis which starts at 0 and has the same increment as the bottom axis. If you zoom in, it will still start at zero, which is probably not what you want. If you want to shift the axis by a constant, you can just replace "- s.min? with your constant.
> On 29. Apr 2019, at 17:34, Dietrich, Daniel L. (GRC-LTX0) via Info-igor <info-igor at> wrote:
> Yeah, that's my default option (with the new trace hidden). The only problem is when I scroll around the data I'd like both axes to change simultaneously. I was hoping to avoid having to change my scripts to change the upper axis whenever I scroll or change the bottom axis. I was hoping I could just mirror the bottom axis and have it change whenever I change the bottom axis.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On 4/29/19, 11:29 AM, "Info-igor on behalf of Schwartz, Stephen via Info-igor" <info-igor-bounces at on behalf of info-igor at> wrote:
> why not just plot the data a second time, using top axis for time, and left axis for y. The data would superimpose on each other but the top and bottom scales would differ as you wish. If you use the same line styles for both traces you won't notice the difference, or you could set one of them to zero line width if the thought of plotting something twice offends your sense of frugality. Or am I missing something? -steve
> ________________________________________
> From: Info-igor <info-igor-bounces at> on behalf of Dietrich, Daniel L. (GRC-LTX0) via Info-igor <info-igor at>
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2019 10:50 AM
> To: info-igor at
> Cc: Dietrich, Daniel L. (GRC-LTX0)
> Subject: Dual x-axis ???
> Good Morning,
> I think this is probably simple and that I?m just missing, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
> I have data in an x-y pair where the x-axis is time (it is not uniformly spaced though so I can?t use internal scaling). The format of the time wave (xwave) is actually units of date/time which Igor handles easily and nicely. When I display and calculate, however, it is more convenient to use elapsed time from some event time in the data. So I create a second x-wave (xwave2) which is a duplicate of xwave defined as (xwave2 = xwave ? xwave[pzero] ) where pzero is the zero point in the xwave. For most of the calculations that is the most convenient format. When I display some graphs, however, I would like to display ywave vs xwave2 but also have a mirror axis on the top of xwave so I can see the date and time that some critical point of the data occurred but have the elapsed seconds as the main x-axis. I looked at the Transform Package which is close, but doesn?t seem to quite do it.
> Also it goes without saying that if I change the scale of the x-axis, I?d like the top mirror axis to change as well.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Cheers,
> Dan
> Dan
> Daniel L. Dietrich
> NASA Glenn Research Center
> Daniel.L.Dietrich at
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