Subject: 191217 Igor (Thread): 2nd line on axis labels?
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A.G.'s method works like a charm. (Once I added a space between label and bottom ?). But my Larry and I tried for 20 minutes to do it from the GUI. What is the syntax to put in the Axis Label? "\r", "\\r"? It was all clear as mud. The fact that I recalled doing it before didn't help. And I couldn't find it in manual either, which I'm sure was my fault.
Stephen R. Springston
srs at
(631) 344-4477
Building 815E
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY 11973-5000
-----Original Message-----
From: Info-igor info-igor-bounces at On Behalf Of A G
Sent: 2019-12-17 17:34
To: Springston, Stephen via Info-igor <info-igor at>
Subject: Re: 191217 Igor (To): 2nd line on axis labels?
Did you try:
On 12/17/2019 12:55 PM, Springston, Stephen via Info-igor wrote:
> Is it possible to have a second line on an axis label? /r doesn't seem to work. I've been through this before, but can't remember.
> Stephen R. Springston
> srs at
> (631) 344-4477
> Building 815E
> Brookhaven National Laboratory
> Upton, NY 11973-5000
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