Subject: Lines Styles in Legend
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Thomas gets me pretty close to what I want, and will suffice for now. Thanks
But, it still requires making dummy stuff to trick Igor into doing the task.
Ideally, there would just be a code for line styles that is analogous to the existing ones for point markers:
Wtdd draws a marker symbol using current font size and color.
Ldtss draws a line from x position specified in text info variable d
Seems logical to have something like:
Wxyz draws a line of style x, length y, and thickness z
That would make it easy to create custom legends for ad hoc purposes.
This would also fit well among other options at the bottom of the ?insert special? dialog in the legend window (as Francis mentioned in his reply):
Line?. <?NEW
On Dec 13, 2019, at 4:27 AM, Thomas Braun <thomas.braun at<mailto:thomas.braun at>> wrote:
On 12.12.2019 07:15, Paul Tratnyek wrote:
Is there an escape code that will draw lines, with different styles and other properties, in a legend box.
I know I can draw the lines with the drawing tools, but I?d like use them as part of a legend.
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