From nh88 at Mon Sep 2 07:01:41 2019
From: nh88 at (Hartell, Nick (Prof.))
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 14:01:41 +0000

Subject: Nidaq Scanning into a 2D wave
Message-ID: <>

Hello List,
I am trying to troubleshoot a problem that has mysteriously appeared in my code. I wonder (perhaps optimistically) if there is a change in behavior in either igor 7 or nidaq tools. I am using the latest version of both as far as I am aware on Windows 7, all 64 bit.

I am scanning using nidaqmx. I have in past been sending the input data into 2D waves (i.e. 100 x 100) that are images. For some reason that I can't get to the bottom of, this no longer seems to work and only the first column of the wave receives information. The other columns are unchanged. If i scan the data into a 1D wave of the correct size (10000) and then redimension it to 100 x 100, then the image is fine.

What I am struggling with is that this code used to work and I can't work out if this is something that I have inadvertently done or if Igor has changed in properties and through some update I have encountered this issue. It is much easier for me to collect data into a 2D wave if possible so would like to continue doing this if I can.

Hope someone can shed light on this.

Nicholas A. Hartell, Ph.D.

Professor of Neuroscience

Department of Cell Physiology and Pharmacology,

Medical Sciences Building,

University of Leicester.

University Road, Tel: 0116 252 3301 (Office)

PO Box 138, Tel: 0116 252 5675 (Lab)

Leicester, Fax: 0116 252 5045

LE1 9HN. email: nh88 at<>
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