Subject: Possible long term solution to unspecified file formats...
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Just my quick thoughts from following this discussion:
There is a python library on github for reading spc files:
you could export the data to JSON using python and use the JSON XOP to
import that data to Igor. Shouldn't be too complicated but I could be
I didn't look into the format specifications of SPC but the file format
is quite complicated so I wouldn't try to do the reading myself in Igor
and rather use the already existing library.
Asking the manufacturer for a batch ASCII export and handling that
ASCII files in Igor will probably create some additional unexpected
work as you will need to parse header info etc. I think, ASCII is not
suitable for such batch exports. If you are asking anyway, then ask for
an export to HDF5 as that is easy to handle in Igor Pro.
Regards, Matthias
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 10:47 PM, Jonathan Gutow <gutow at>
> Payam,
> Maybe we should draft an opinion piece to C&EN and get as many people
> as
> possible to sign on to that instead individual letters?
> I am an American Physical Society member as well, so could try to be a
> conduit for such a piece in Physics Today or APS News.
> I suggest we try to recruit many people before submitting the initial
> piece.
> As such I have sent this e-mail back to the IGOR list again, because I
> think this group cuts across many disciplines.
> Jonathan
> On 8/30/19 3:40 PM, Minoofar, Payam N wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> I am on board with that proposal. Over the past ten years, I made
>> that statement with my capital dollars by purchasing Dionex (now
>> Thermo) HPLCs because their software is the only one that does batch
>> csv export of raw data. Agilent's solution was that I either export
>> each of the hundreds and eventually thousands of chromatograms or
>> purchase an additional seat for their analysis software at the
>> bargain basement price of $5000, IIRC.
>> The excuse they offer, of course, is that this is necessary for
>> them to incorporate all the FDA compliance rules within their
>> "ecosystem", but this process robs us researchers of the access we
>> need to do the manipulations that production software cannot do.
>> I'll send my letter to C&EN soon.
>> -- Payam
>> x4514
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Jonathan Gutow <gutow at>
>> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 11:40 AM
>> To: Minoofar, Payam N <Payam.Minoofar at>
>> Subject: Re: shimadzu .spc files...possible long term solution to
>> unspecified file formats...
>> ---External Email---
>> Dear Igoristi,
>> I am disappointed that we are still having these discussions
>> decades after computer controlled instrumentation became common. I
>> would like to suggest a long term solution.
>> All requests for bids on instruments purchased for scientific uses
>> should include in the specifications that the data file format be
>> provided with the instrument. This requires that the majority of
>> practicing scientists include this in their instrument
>> specifications.
>> The only way I see to make this work is to start a movement to do
>> this.
>> Maybe we, through our various professional organization
>> memberships, can start campaigning for this?
>> Regards,
>> Jonathan
>> On 8/30/19 12:29 PM, Minoofar, Payam N wrote:
>>> Thanks, Benjamin. This happens to be the same Spectragryph program
>>> that Jeffrey recommended. The $300 Euro price tag might be justify
>>> for the frequency with which I will use it. The instrument does
>>> export to ASCII, but it does not perform a batch export.
>>> -- Payam
>>> x4514
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Info-igor <info-igor-bounces at> On Behalf
>>> Of
>>> Benjamin Gilbert
>>> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 10:24 AM
>>> To: Igor Discussion List <info-igor at>
>>> Subject: Re: shimadzu .spc files
>>> ---External Email---
>>> You might wish to consider a 3rd party application, which I
>>> resorted to when I could not solve this problem more easily.
>>> <>
>>> I do like this software and after using the free version for the
>>> problem in hand I purchased a version.
>>> Benjamin Gilbert
>>> Senior Scientist, LBNL
>>> 1 608 358 0194
>>> Zoom:
>>>> On Aug 30, 2019, at 10:11 AM, Minoofar, Payam N
>>>> <Payam.Minoofar at> wrote:
>>>> Thank you, Jeffrey. There is a Grams .spc reader in Igor Exchange,
>>>> but I assume that that is a slightly different spec from Shimadzu.
>>>> (I'm overcome by d?j? vu as it feels as if I had the same
>>>> exchange
>>>> some 16 years ago in grad school.)
>>>> -- Payam
>>>> x4514
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Info-igor <info-igor-bounces at> On Behalf
>>>> Of
>>>> Jeffrey Weimer
>>>> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 7:55 AM
>>>> To: Igor Discussion List <info-igor at>
>>>> Subject: Re: shimadzu .spc files
>>>> ---External Email---
>>>> I may have something crude to read spc files stored on an
>>>> external HD somewhere. I believe the format is not just specific
>>>> to Shimadzu. I?ll look and verify one way or the other early
>>>> next week at the latest.
>>>> Otherwise, I have had great success using SpectraGryph as an
>>>> intermediate translator.
>>>> --
>>>> Jeffrey J Weimer, Associate Professor
>>>> Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH Huntsville, AL
>>>> 35899 phone: 256-824-6954 On Aug 29, 2019, 22:39 -0400,
>>>> Minoofar, Payam N <Payam.Minoofar at>, wrote:
>>>>> Dearest Igoristi,
>>>>> Has anyone written or encountered a routine for loading Shimadzu
>>>>> .spc files? I am getting the files from one of their UV-Vis
>>>>> spectrometers.
>>>>> Many thanks in advance.
>>>>> -- Payam
>>>>> x4514
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>> --
>> Dr. Jonathan H. Gutow
>> Chemistry Department gutow at
>> UW-Oshkosh
>> Office:920-424-1326
>> 800 Algoma Boulevard
>> FAX:920-424-2042
>> Oshkosh, WI 54901
> --
> Dr. Jonathan H. Gutow
> Chemistry Department gutow at
> UW-Oshkosh
> Office:920-424-1326
> 800 Algoma Boulevard FAX:920-424-2042
> Oshkosh, WI 54901
> _______________________________________________
> Info-igor mailing list
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