Subject: Dual x-axis ???
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Good Morning,
I think this is probably simple and that I?m just missing, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
I have data in an x-y pair where the x-axis is time (it is not uniformly spaced though so I can?t use internal scaling). The format of the time wave (xwave) is actually units of date/time which Igor handles easily and nicely. When I display and calculate, however, it is more convenient to use elapsed time from some event time in the data. So I create a second x-wave (xwave2) which is a duplicate of xwave defined as (xwave2 = xwave ? xwave[pzero] ) where pzero is the zero point in the xwave. For most of the calculations that is the most convenient format. When I display some graphs, however, I would like to display ywave vs xwave2 but also have a mirror axis on the top of xwave so I can see the date and time that some critical point of the data occurred but have the elapsed seconds as the main x-axis. I looked at the Transform Package which is close, but doesn?t seem to quite do it.
Also it goes without saying that if I change the scale of the x-axis, I?d like the top mirror axis to change as well.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Daniel L. Dietrich
NASA Glenn Research Center
Daniel.L.Dietrich at
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